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Biography Updated: 03 March 2020

Eduardo Arbizu


Born in Pamplona in 1963.

BBVA professional career

  • 2018-2019 Global Head of Regulation & Internal Control²
  • 2011-2018 Global Head of Legal & Compliance.
  • 2007-2011 Head of Legal Services, Tax Consulting, Audit & Compliance.
  • 2003-2007 Head of Legal Services.
  • 2002-2003 Head of Legal Affairs.

Previous professional career

  • 1997-2002 Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Retail Operation in Continental Europe (France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece), Barclays.
  • 1992-1997 General Secretary and General Counsel of Barclays Bank in Spain.
  • 1992 Several positions at Spain’s Justice Department. Teacher of Administrative Law at Universidad Pontificia de Comillas.
  • 1988-1992 Spanish State lawyer.

Education and qualifications

  • Law Degree, Universidad de Navarra.
  • Advanced Management Programme, Wharton Business School.

(2) Reporting to the Board of Directors through its corresponding committees.

Eduardo Arbizu, Global Head of Regulation & Internal Control

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