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Domingo Armengol

General Secretary

Born in Barbastro (Huesca) in 1965.

Born in Barbastro (Huesca) in 1965.

BBVA professional career

  • 2009 General Secretary.
  • 2000-2009 Institutional Legal Counsel.
  • 1997-2000 Corporate Legal Counsel.

Previous professional career

  • 1995-1997 Commercial, Civil and Administrative Law Specialist, Independent Professional.
  • 1993-1995 Secretary of the Board of Directors, Iber-Swiss Catering, S.A., Madrid and Zurich.
  • 1990-1993 Corporate Legal Counsel, Iberia, L.A.E., S.A.
  • 1988-1990 Commercial and Civil Law and Transactions Adviser, Edmonds, Bowen & Co, London.

Education and qualifications

  • Master of Law in Taxation, UPM.
  • Law Degree, Universidad de Zaragoza.