BBVA USA goes animated in new videos aimed to uplift small business owners amid pandemic
Building on its current “Your Bank for…” marketing campaign, BBVA has produced two new animated videos in response to the pandemic-related challenges small businesses are currently facing.

The two videos were produced for social media promotion and were designed to show how closely connected small businesses are to their local communities. By helping small businesses through their pandemic recovery efforts, the bank is also helping communities move forward with positive expectations through the recovery.
One video runs approximately 60 seconds in length, while a shorter, condensed version has a 15-second runtime.
We wanted to portray that message in a unique way
“With dramatic animation, we’re able to highlight more emotions and actions for a more robust viewing experience,” said BBVA USA Chief Marketing Officer Enrique Cornish Stanton. “The message comes across in a bright, clear way. We felt these videos would resonate with small business owners, give them hope, and show them that BBVA is on their side. Small businesses are the lifeblood of the areas in which they operate, and their survival is essential to their communities’ own well-being. We wanted to portray that message in a unique way, and I think we achieved that.”
Both videos begin with a mask-wearing business owner attempting, and failing, to open his business’ security door alone just before dawn. A passerby assists the owner in lifting the heavy door as a beam of light shines through the opening. Other small businesses open their doors, brightening and revitalizing the surrounding city area. Both videos conclude with the following line: “BBVA is your bank for moving forward again.”
The videos come on the heels of the bank’s “Your Bank for…” ad campaign launched in August that highlighted BBVA’s efforts to help people and businesses take the first steps in their recovery from the ongoing pandemic and reach financial milestones in the future. The campaign is centered around a message of resilience during a time of financial uncertainty, highlighting the bank as a responsive partner and valuable resource.
Advertisements launched on TV, radio, digital and social media platforms on August 10 in multiple media markets, with some markets featuring the ads solely on digital and social channels. The campaign includes two advertisements, both 15 seconds in length, both featuring life events for businesses and consumers, and a voiceover that promotes BBVA as “your bank for life’s opportunities.” One advertisement targets a small business audience, and one is for a consumer-focused audience.