BBVA Trader Pro: the most advanced platform for operating in the markets
BBVA Trader is an easy-to-manage and accessible market monitoring platform for users with a trader and heavy-trader profile. Its Trader Pro version goes one step further. In line with its principle of immediacy and ease of use, this version of the tool is more customizable and offers more possibilities for operating in the markets.

The result is BBVA Trader Pro, a deep and intuitive platform capable of operating at the highest level. It allows users to work with different accounts, and in customized and highly configurable spaces. How? Through four integrated modules where you can track your operations on a single screen.

BBVA Trader Pro, a deep and intuitive platform capable of operating at the highest level
Profile: superior module
This displays a summary of your profile. You can quickly and simply see the status of your accounts, risk profile, cash balance, coverage ratio and more. These options show at a glance the situation of your account at all times.
Instruments: left module
This vertical band contains all the instruments BBVA Trader offers so you can make your investments. You can use the list to see the markets where you want to operate and their components, and there is a purchase-sale button for each one. This same module allows you to make a purchase or sale order, specify its details on the drop-down ticket and process it with three clicks of the mouse.
It works like this: On the Lists option, you select a specific index and drop down all its components. Clicking on the index list shows the stock exchange indexes for all the main world markets.

You can quickly and simply see the status of your accounts, risk profile, cash balance, coverage ratio and more
If you're using the search engine to look for a specific security, shares, warrants or the ETFs related with it, they will drop down in order and with differentiated icons. If you are still not ready to execute a transaction, you only need to drag the object to the central module to see more information on it before making your decision.
Markets: central module
This is an overview, the core of the tool. It contains the “Markets” tab, where you can select what indexes to track, what shares and market processes to monitor, follow currency movements, and even load graphs showing the instrument you're interested in on the same page.
If you want to add a new element to any of these items, all you have to do is drag it from the instrument module.

Clicking on the index list shows the stock exchange indexes for all the main world markets
On the 'News' and 'Social' tab you can filter the media contents by periodicity and social networks, and access elements published on television.
'Graphs' is one of the sections with the most detail. The 'advanced graph' category takes customization to new levels. You can do everything from specifying a volume to measure or a format, quantify securities in percentages or logarithms, set up tracking of the latest prices of a security, add or remove counters, add color, add new lines, trends or comments to monitor, and much more. You can even create your own tab in multicharts, with up to 4 simple graphs at the same time so as not to miss anything.
The tab order can be changed but not deleted, and you can build new categories and organize them any way you like. This is done on the last tab on this central module.
'My Broker' shows the details of your profile, your saved elements, an account summary, cash transactions, real-time development and the system settings. [FCE1]
My positions: lower module
This last module allows you to see detailed information on your portfolio: completed and pending orders, a record of past movements and the history of each transaction.
The BBVA Trader platform was launched last December and is part of BBVA's digitization strategy, designed to offer customers with a heavy-trader profile the best way of tracking the performance of their financial products, with real-time data and multiple options for customization at your fingertips.
For more information on market operations, go to BBVA Trader, your agile, intuitive and advanced trading platform with rates to match your operating level.