BBVA Switzerland launches New Gen, the digital account that enables investments in sectors with the greatest impact on the future
BBVA's Swiss subsidiary, which specializes in private banking, is launching New Gen, a new 100% digital investment account that can be accessed with an initial deposit of $10,000 or its equivalent in euros or Swiss francs.

In this way, BBVA Switzerland seeks to meet the needs of a new type of investor client who prefers to operate independently by taking advantage of technology, or who has a special interest in investing in more innovative, sustainable sectors and even in crypto-assets. The client registers through a form, makes a video-identification call and in less than 15 minutes can start trading.
The catalog also seeks to emulate the portfolios of major investors such as Cathie Wood or Warren Buffet
The New Gen account offers access to a catalog of companies and funds organized into 11 themes including climate change and the circular economy; or by technologies with great disruptive potential such as robotics, 3D printing or autonomous vehicles. The catalog also seeks to emulate the portfolios of major investors such as Cathie Wood or Warren Buffet. At the same time, the client can invest in traditional assets such as shares or investment funds, and also has a 'wallet' for cryptocurrencies, providing it with differential characteristics.
To access the New Gen account you only need to be at least 18 years of age, resident in a country of the European Union, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru or Chile, among others, and deposit a minimum of ten thousand dollars or its equivalent in euros or Swiss francs.
“With New Gen we want to reach a new type of investor, attracted by new sectors that have great potential to transform the future,” says Javier Rubio, Director of Client Solutions at BBVA Switzerland. “The new account offers a multitude of ideas so that every client can invest in what is of interest to them and in line with their principles, without obstacles or barriers, with one of the most competitive rates in Swiss banking and with all the guarantee and security of BBVA,” he adds.
“The New Gen account allows customers to invest in a positive, conscious and committed way”
New Gen's objective is to make it easier for clients to transfer their interests to their investment portfolio in a simple way. So, for example, if a client thinks that genetic research can have a positive impact on the prevention, treatment and cure of diseases, in New Gen they can access the best companies to invest in this sector, as well as the best ETFs and investment funds that deal with this area.
“The New Gen account allows customers to invest in a positive, conscious and committed way because at BBVA we believe that today's investments are what will define the future,” says Alfonso Gómez, CEO of BBVA Switzerland.
New Gen provides access to a full range of online banking services and IBAN numbers in dollars, euros or Swiss francs, in addition to a wallet for storing, purchasing and selling bitcoins, all fully integrated with the mobile banking app which allows tracking Bitcoin holdings alongside with the remainder of assets, funds or investments held by the client. This integration also provides a great advantage in terms of simplicity when carrying out transactions, verifying account status, filing taxes, etc.
BBVA is present in Switzerland, through a wholly-owned Group franchise, dedicated to international Private Banking services. It now offers a new New Gen online account for those clients who like to invest on their own.