BBVA starts final tranche of share buyback program; will apply hyperinflationary accounting in Türkiye
BBVA will execute the final tranche of its share buyback program for a maximum amount of €1 billion, starting on July 1, 2022. The Group also announced that it will apply hyperinflationary accounting in Türkiye, effective January 1, 2022. Finally BBVA reaffirms its financial goals for 2024.

BBVA will resume on Friday the execution of its share buyback program. Following the completion of €2.5 billion, it will now proceed with an additional maximum amount of €1 billion. With this, the bank will conclude the share buyback program, which will reach a maximum of €3.5 billion, or up to 10 percent of the share capital. This is one of the largest share buyback programs among European banks to date.
The maximum number of shares to be acquired in this tranche stands at 149,996,808. The execution will start on July 1, 2022 and will end no later than September 29, 2022.
The first tranche of the program, for €1.5 billion, started on November 22, 2021 and ended on March 3, 2022. The total number of shares acquired reached 281,218,710, representing 4.22 percent of the share capital as of that date. The second tranche, which amounted to €1 billion, started on March 16, 2022 and ended on May 16, 2022, following the purchase of 206,554,498 shares, equivalent to 3.1 percent of the share capital at that moment.
Hyperinflationary accounting in Türkiye
BBVA has also announced that it will apply hyperinflationary accounting in Türkiye, effective Jan 1, 2022, in accordance with the IAS 29 accounting rules, ‘Financial Information in Hyperinflationary Economies’. Hyperinflationary accounting involves the restating of the financial statements with the aim of showing them in real terms, and not nominal, (i.e. adjusting the figures to the high inflation in the country), thus allowing a fairer comparison of the P&L and the balance of the bank in different moments in time.
The impacts, which are positive on capital and negative on the P&L, will be reflected in BBVA Group’s consolidated financial financial statements for 2Q22. The impacts related to the first quarter are as follows:
- A positive impact on the fully-loaded CET1 capital ratio of approximately +19 bps.
- A negative impact¹ on the Group’s attributable profit of about €-324 million.
Considering the annual inflation forecast² in Türkiye, for 2022 the contribution from the Group’s entities in Türkiye to the results is expected to be negligible, while the capital is expected to see a positive impact in the coming quarters.
BBVA’s financial goals for 2024 announced at the Investor Day remain unchanged.