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Carlos Torres Vila 04 Nov 2016

BBVA signs MoU with Salesforce to strengthen its CRM strategy

BBVA has announced the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Salesforce, the world’s #1 CRM company, to strengthen its Customer Relationship Management (CRM) strategy using Salesforce’s cloud computing services. The agreement is part of a series of projects that BBVA is forging with strategic partners to be a more flexible and scalable digital bank. Salesforce Vice Chairman, President & COO Keith Block and BBVA CEO Carlos Torres Vila closed the MoU during a ceremony in San Francisco.

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The announcement is a new step in BBVA’s transformation journey. The MoU with Salesforce will support BBVA to manage its customer relationships more efficiently and also enhance time to market and marketing campaigns in order to offer a unique and valuable customer experience.

“BBVA is redefining its customer relations, moving from providing infrastructure around money to assisting customers in their professional and personal lives, helping them achieve their goals, thus becoming their financial assistant,” BBVA CEO Carlos Torres Vila said. “Technology and the support of key players like Salesforce, will allow us to bring the age of opportunity to everyone”, he added.

"The financial services industry is being reinvented by digital, social and mobile innovations," said Keith Block, COO, Salesforce. “These technologies present a massive opportunity for banks to engage with and guide their customers along each step of their financial journeys. With this agreement, Salesforce and BBVA are committed to working together to transform the BBVA customer experience.”

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BBVA CEO Carlos Torres Vila and Salesforce Vice Chairman, President & COO Keith Block.

The agreement with Salesforce will support three of BBVA’s key priorities: a) Contribute to a new standard in customer experience, b) Help boost digital sales, and c) Allow BBVA to take advantage of new business models. BBVA and Salesforce intend to reinforce their existing relationship by working closely on product vision, strategy rollout. Joint teams from both companies will initially collaborate in several ways:

  • Sharing relevant projects to identify additional opportunities to leverage Salesforce’s technology
  • Establishing a framework to work towards joint product development for BBVA’s specific needs

By further expanding its use of Salesforce cloud services, BBVA will be able to become more agile, flexible and enhance time to market using a trusted cloud software solution. BBVA will continue to work closely with regulator and supervisors in order to comply with their requirements.