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Awards Updated: 16 Nov 2016

BBVA Research wins Forecaster Accuracy Award from macroeconomic survey firm Consensus Economics

BBVA Research Spain has received the 2014 Forecaster Accuracy Award (FAA) granted by the global macroeconomic survey firm Consensus Economics. This accolade honors the quality and accuracy with which the experts at BBVA Research have prepared their growth forecast for Spain, as well as their inflation projections.

BBVA Research Spain, run by Miguel Cardoso, is comprised of 14 experts who cover practically every sector of the Spanish economy.

The FAA also recognized the achievements of firms such as JP Morgan (US), Deutsche Securities (Japan), Berliner Sparkasse (Germany), BNP Paribas (France), Beacon Economic Forecasting (UK), Citigroup (Italy), IHS Economics (Canada), BNP Paribas (Eurozone), Rabobank Nederland (Netherlands), DNB (Norway), National Institute-NIER (Sweden) and Pictet & Cie (Switzerland).

On a monthly basis, Consensus Economics, located in the UK, prepares monthly compilations of the economic forecast of 700 international experts covering 115 countries.