BBVA publishes ‘BBVA in 2017’ report
After the AGM’s approval of the financial statements for last year, BBVA has made available to the market the most salient information on the year in the 'BBVA in 2017' report. The report lays out in a simple and intuitive way details on the strategy and performance of the Group throughout the year, with the focus on matters of relevance for BBVA interest groups.

The report opens with a letter from BBVA Group Executive Chairman Francisco González in which he says “2017 has been a good year for BBVA. Group revenues reached record highs, our sound balance sheet has been strengthened and our transformation strategy is fully on track”.
'BBVA in 2017' brings together figures on the performance of the Group, both financial as well as non-financial. On the financial front, the most relevant information on a global level and by business area is provided. Specifically, the report provides a summary of the profit and loss account, the balance sheet, activity figures and the most important ratios. The non-financial information, audited by KPMG, covers the impact the bank’s activity has had on people in areas such as the creation of wealth, the contribution to growth and social welfare, the bank’s direct contribution to society and sustainable development.
As regards strategy, the 'BBVA in 2017' report covers the progress made in the Group’s process of transformation throughout the year based on its goal and its six strategy priorities, with the particular focus on digitalization and customer experience. The bank has also coined a new catchphrase: “Creating Opportunities,” as well as the values that must guide the behavior of the whole organization. The transformation process is necessary in adapting to the new environment in the financial sector and in maintaining leadership.
In addition to the above, the report includes BBVA’s most notable achievements in 2017 and information on corporate governance and ethical behavior.
The 'BBVA in 2017' report complements the information already provided in the management report on the consolidated annual financial statements. It hooks up with the rest of the annual corporate information through links and references. It also follows the latest international reporting trends.