The BBVA Microfinance Foundation renews its commitment with the UN
Javier M. Flores, CEO of the BBVA Microfinance Foundation, renewed the foundation's commitment with the Sustainable Development Goals Fund until 2019. During the session held at the headquarters of United Nations, the SDG Fund also presented the report “Universality and the SDGs: A Business Perspective”. This publication examines some of the key issues facing companies when incorporating and implementing the SDGs within their core strategy.

“The SDGs are an excellent roadmap and their achievement requires the cooperation of governments, the private sector, civil society and citizens to ensure we leave a better planet for future generations”, stated Javier M. Flores in his presentation during the report launch. Responsible Productive Finance, the methodology utilized by BBVAMF and its group of microfinance institutions, is one of the case studies analyzed in this report. “In 10 years, we have granted over 8.3 billion dollars in productive loans to low-income entrepreneurs in Latin America”, indicated the CEO of the foundation.
"We have granted over 8.3 billion dollars in productive loans to low-income entrepreneurs in Latin America

Javier M. Flores, CEO of the BBVAMF, in his intervention during the presentation of the SDG-F report - David Ito
“Universality and the SDGs: A Business Perspective” includes the voices of over a hundred companies of all sizes, sectors and regions, based on global dialogue with the private sector. It also shows the different perspectives held by business leaders and best practices from both large and small companies, illustrating the universal nature of the new 2030 Agenda.
The report highlights four main conclusions. First, it stresses the need to improve how the Sustainable Development Goals are communicated to both companies and civil society. Second, it reflects the need to promote useful new tools for companies and expand training on their use as well as creating new resources in order to integrate the three dimensions of sustainability (economic, social and environmental) into companies' core strategies. The third conclusion refers to providing a common language and set of targets to enable better collaboration among actors. And finally, the report underscores the need for public-private partnerships.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals included in the 2030 Agenda
The BBVAMF is a member of the SDG-Fund Private Sector Advisory Group
The BBVA Microfinance Foundation has been a member of the SDG-Fund Private Sector Advisory Group since its creation in April 2015. This group includes leaders from different areas of the private sector and acts as a nexus between the private and public sectors, working to foster greater collaboration between the two.
The organizations’ experience provides a real vision in terms of opportunities and areas in need of assistance in order to make the Sustainable Development Goals a reality.
In addition to BBVAMF, Ebro Foods, Ferrovial, H&M, Pvblic Foundation, Sahara Group and Seres Foundation will remain part of the advisory group for the next three years.