BBVA matches its employees’ donations, reaching two million euros to fight COVID-19
Donations from BBVA employees around the world to fight coronavirus have reached one million euros. As part of its campaign ‘Your contribution is worth double’, BBVA has matched the amount donated by each employee, for a total of two million euros. The donation will be used to purchase healthcare materials, to support vulnerable communities across the bank’s footprint, and to research a cure for the disease. At the outset of the crisis, BBVA announced that it would contribute 35 million euros to fight the pandemic. This figure includes the bank’s one million euro contribution to the campaign in solidarity against COVID-19.

The donation campaign is global in scope, with participation from BBVA franchises in Spain, Argentina, Colombia, the U.S., Mexico, Peru, Paraguay, Uruguay, Switzerland and Portugal. The campaign began on March 22nd in Colombia and is still underway in some countries.
“During these difficult times, BBVA employees have demonstrated their solidarity as one single team. I would like to thank them for their tremendous effort and generosity. I would also like to thank all our colleagues who have continued to go into the branches each day in order to continue providing customers across the full BBVA footprint the very best service,” said Carlos Casa, Global Director of Talent and Culture at BBVA.
BBVA announced that it would contribute 35 million euros to fight the pandemic
BBVA has committed to donating €35 million globally to support public health systems, in particular. The bulk of this amount is being used to purchase priority medical equipment, particularly ventilators. In Spain, BBVA has already donated and distributed 1,000 non-invasive ventilators and 13 invasive ventilators for ICUs, and it will deliver more medical equipment over the coming weeks. The materials are purchased in China and will also be delivered to Mexico and Turkey. With all of these activities across the bank’s different regions, BBVA is reinforcing its commitment to help society defeat the COVID-19 crisis.

A Global campaign with employee participation
In Spain, donations will be allocated to support public health systems by purchasing ventilators and medical equipment, in addition to providing socioeconomic support for the most vulnerable populations through financial contributions to social organizations that work with these groups and for whom BBVA employees participate in volunteer initiatives. The organizations to receive the funds are dedicated to three at-risk areas: children, older people and the homeless, and low-income families.
In addition to the ‘Your contribution is worth double’ initiative, BBVA has raised over €400,000 from customers through a Bizum campaign, which will be allocated to the Red Cross project ‘RESPOND’.
In Peru, contributions will go to the purchase and donation of personal protective equipment for physicians, nurses, technicians and residents working for the Ministry of Health (MINSA) and EsSalud. The aim is to stop the spread of the virus and increase healthcare workers’ resilience so their numbers do not fall to levels that cannot meet the demand for medical care.
In Argentina, donations will be given to the Argentine Red Cross, which among other activities will be used to provide psychosocial support to more than 50,000 people and their nuclear families; to purchase humanitarian aid kits containing hygiene and cleaning products; and to promote the protection of at-risk populations and the safety of healthcare workers.
In Colombia, a significant portion of employees have participated by donating a day of their salary. Under the name #UnDiaDeSueldoPor, the campaign has raised in excess of 300,000 euros (with BBVA’s contribution) and will be given to the national government. The contribution will be used to deliver food assistance to vulnerable families through the non-profit Solidaridad por Colombia (Solidarity for Colombia). Each unit contains over 24 basic products that will feed a family of four for 20 days.

In Colombia, the markets that will be delivered to the most vulnerable population, have a cost of 187,000 pesos each, have more than 24 basic products of the family basket and allow a family of four people to feed themselves for 20 days.
In Mexico, employees were invited to join a campaign of donations carried out by the bank in coordination with the BBVA Foundation in Mexico. The Foundation will supervise the appropriate delivery of resources and medical materials that are obtained. In addition, BBVA Mexico has extended the invitation to fight the pandemic to customers, board members and society as a whole.
In the United States, the employee donation campaign will go to the BBVA Compassion Fund, a charitable fund to cover the needs of those employees most affected by COVID-19. Also in the U.S, BBVA made an initial $150,000 dollar contribution and has committed to match the amount raised by employees up to a total of $100,000.
In Uruguay, funds will be donated for the outfitting of contingency hospitals overseen by the Integrated Emergency System (SINAE) and the Ministry of Public Health (MSP).
In Paraguay, donations raised by the ‘Your Contribution is Worth Double’ campaign will be earmarked for the purchase of equipment on the behalf of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Well-being.