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Communication Updated: 13 Jan 2021

BBVA corporate website reaches record audience in 2020

BBVA is a global brand. As our tagline says, the bank works to "bring the age of opportunity to everyone.” And in these times, more than ever, a world of opportunities are in the digital world. That is where we navigate trying to tell the best stories of a journey that began five years ago. During the months of March and April 2020, BBVA's corporate website broke its record for monthly users thanks to a new content section on COVID-19, which signaled the enormous audience interest in information related to the pandemic.

Through its content, the corporate website is BBVA's platform where one can bring to life the 160 year history of a group with a presence in more than 30 countries. To do this, it publishes daily content in multiple formats (text, video, infographics, podcasts) in which it aims to bring the bank´s reality closer to all audiences. BBVA's corporate page experienced a record high in the months of March and April (with 2.9 and 2.6 million users, respectively) and closed 2020 with more than 22 million unique users and 57 million page views.

According to Google Analytics data, the website's monthly traffic reaches approximately two million visits. Most of the traffic comes from Mexico (26%), followed by Spain (24%), Colombia (10%), Argentina (10%), Peru (9%), United States (5%) and other countries.

Adapted to the mobile world

A window to the world giving priority to information consumption from our mobiles. More than 60 percent of our audience uses mobile devices, which shows the adaptation to current browsing trends of a project that was born in December 2015. The validation of UX and the elements that can be seen on this page has been accomplished following the 'mobile first' parameter.

One of our values is that the customer comes first and at we aim for greater usability for our readers. Given that in the world of corporate communication there are very few examples like, the website is updated with the latest technological trends related to the world of communication.

Betting on cutting-edge journalistic techniques

This modernization of the web aims to better contextualize the content we offer. Large formats; narrative techniques native to the digital world; images and videos of higher quality and an arrangement of themes that make it easier for our users to navigate through them and achieve an enriched experience.

The creation of its own content and its subsequent distribution to reach stakeholders directly has been one of the BBVA Communication team´s main objectives. In addition, during 2020 the web has increased 'engagement' with its audience, who have spent more time on average consuming information and who visited more content per user than in 2019. Between January and December, the time-on-page of the content increased by + 9% year-on-year, while sessions per user grew by + 1.5%.

Podcast, the voice of BBVA

At BBVA we want to be part of people's conversations. That is why we have various programs produced in a podcast format. An audible way of disseminating our own content created within the bank.

This year four new programs were born: ‘Perspectivas’, is a podcast about the economy and what the future may bring. With ‘Creando futuro’ we have given a voice to sustainability through a podcast that seeks to mobilize society and try to leave a better world for future generations.

Nor have we forgotten the importance of design, and through ‘Design Wednesday’, concerns, ideas and interesting topics are shared with relevant people in the sector. The last to arrive was the ‘Píldoras Agile’, channel, a space that invites us to grow daily, both personally and professionally. In it, suggestions and recommendations on techniques, skills and tools having to do with Agile methodologies are shared.

Teamwork is a living project. And a large part of this project undergoes improvement over the year through Agile development methodologies and because of BBVA´s design and technology teams. This is the result of work done by multi skilled talents who have been recognized for having the best mobile banking app and who also aim to be a point of reference for our corporate page.

In addition, was awarded a Premios de Internet 2020, in the category of ´Digital Transformation – Business.´ These awards serve to recognize initiatives, people or organizations that have excelled in promoting and facilitating new digital and technological innovations.

Closer to you, in a year that changed our lives

At 2020´s close, BBVA´s corporate website users have been especially interested in content related to the coronavirus. The videoconference on COVID-19 by Dr. Antoni Trilla tops a ranking of the most viewed content, which also includes the donation made by BBVA to help society in its fight against the pandemic, as well as some of the initiatives of the bank in all the countries where it has a presence to alleviate the financial burden of the worst hit customers and to support economic recovery with financing.

1. Dr. Trilla: "Life will undoubtedly go back to normal, but it would do us good to stop and reflect"

Dr. Antoni Trilla, Head of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology Unit at Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, volunteered to offer BBVA employees a videoconference to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the coronavirus. It was the most viewed content of 2020. Link to the news

2. BBVA in Mexico announces a support program for all its clients

Torre BBVA México

The support program that BBVA launched in Mexico for all its clients in order to mitigate the effects related to the economic situation linked to the COVID-19 outbreak in the country was another of the most visited content. Link to the news

3. BBVA raises its global donation to €35 million to fight the coronavirus

Donación BBVA_aeropuerto_coronavirus

The information published on BBVA's donation to combat COVID-19 in the countries where it operates also ranks third in this ranking of most viewed content. Link to the news

4. What are the advantages of buying a new car and a used car?


This article on the pros of buying a new car or opting for a used one gets into the ranking of the 2020 highlights. Link to the news

5. BBVA in Argentina serves its customers in branches exclusively with online shifts


The measures implemented by the bank in Argentina were one of the most viewed content in a year marked by the pandemic. Link to the content.

6. BBVA announces relief to its clients to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 in Colombia

The package of measures announced by the bank in Colombia to help its clients affected by the pandemic attracted the attention of our readers during the months of April and May. Link to the content

7. Carlos Torres Vila: "We have to step up and make a difference to help society"

The executive chairman of BBVA, Carlos Torres Vila, announced that the people who run the bank globally and in the different countries have decided to give up all variable compensation in the year 2020. Link to the news

8. One team against COVID-19


Carlos Torres Vila and the CEO, Onur Genç, addressed all employees to convey the bank's priorities to the situation caused by the coronavirus. Link to content

9. BBVA Mexico calls on everyone to join forces to save lives

The Social Responsibility Action Plan announced by BBVA Mexico was another of the most visited content of 2020. Link to the news

10. Discovering bankers

Through this interactive report, our reader was able to get to know the professionals who are part of BBVA´s banking team, the clients they work with, and what a normal day of work is like for them. Link to the special