BBVA completes its family of sustainable indexes for investors, adding a social index and a governance index
BBVA’s Quantitative Investment Strategies business, geared toward institutional investors, has completed its first family of indexes specialized in sustainability. In addition to the indexes that were previously announced, two more are joining the family: ‘Solactive BBVA ixS Global Inclusive Growth’ and ‘Solactive BBVA ixG Global Governance & Board Diversity’. These indexes make it possible to invest in high growth global companies that are aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and in leading global companies in corporate governance, respectively.

BBVA’s institutional clients now have access to the first complete thematic offering designed by the bank. This first family of five sustainable indexes has two aims: to generate above-market returns through the ESG factor and to accompany the bank’s clients in the transition toward a more sustainable future, in line with the bank’s commitment. The offering consists of the following indexes:
- ‘Solactive BBVA ixESG Global Leaders’: takes a holistic ESG approach and uses an innovative and dynamic methodology by selecting leading companies in ESG.
- ‘Solactive BBVA Climate Action PAB Europe’: aligned to the EU París-Aligned Benchmark. With this strategy, BBVA wants to go beyond the minimum requirements set by the EU. The goal is to take advantage of the transition opportunities that emerge from the Paris Agreement objectives, mitigating the risks and aiming for an average temperature well below 2ºC, the most demanding scenario.
- ‘Solactive BBVA Climate Action CTB Europe’: aligned with the EU Climate Transition Benchmark. It represents an opportunity to transition toward a low carbon economy and greater climate awareness for investors.
- ‘Solactive BBVA ixS Global Inclusive Growth’: offers the opportunity to invest in leading growing companies at a reasonable price, as well as a social approach that follows the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
- ‘Solactive BBVA ixG Global Governance & Board Diversity’. This index makes it possible to invest in leading global companies in corporate governance according to Sustainalytics’ G rating. It also weighs companies with a better score for diversity on their boards.
Solactive is the index supplier with which BBVA designs the ESG indexes. It is also the company in charge of publicizing and managing them, and acts as their administrator and owner.