BBVA Compass volunteers help people in need in Orlando
BBVA Compass repeated its participation in the AFPAware Community Service Day and helped the most disadvantaged. This year, the Community Service Day took place in Orlando and raised 4,500 kilos of food and 2,000 care kits for abuse victims and families in need.

BBVA Compass participated in this initiative organized by the Association of Financial Professionals for the seventh consecutive year. “We take pride in sponsoring AFPAware,” said Nanette Crocker, Treasury Management Executive Director at Global Transaction Banking USA. “The corporate principles and values of AFPAware are in line with those of BBVA Group and BBVA Compass. Sponsoring and participating in AFPAware is the best way of helping others and making their lives a little bit better.” And there was also PaintFest, a booth where volunteers painted seven large-sized murals that will be given to children’s hospitals in cities where BBVA operates.
Involvement and nice atmosphere
This type of initiative promotes team work and encourages personal involvement in the charity project. “When you think about helping others, you create memories and moments that are truly important,” said Susan Glass, Treasurer of Global Cash and Investments at Hallmark Cards Inc. and former president of the AFP Board of Directors. Glass has been involved in the AFPAware Community Service Day for several years now: “I truly believe in the event.”
With the assistance of more than 70 treasurers from large companies, the volunteers have gathered up to 4,500 kilos of potatoes for local families. They also put together 2,000 assistance kits for shelters for the homeless and abuse victims. Even though there was not much time, they were able to get organized and work efficiently. “We broke into teams to tackle huge containers of sweet potatoes that had to be sorted, tossing the bad out, and bagging the good ones,” explained Nanette Crocker. “It was a lot of fun and teams became competitive as the containers emptied and the bags piled high.”
Participants expressed their involvement at all times: “It was great that no one was worried about jumping in and getting their hands dirty,” said Renee Garin, Finance Specialist for Talen Energy and chair of AFP’s Emerging Leaders Task Force.
This initiative has moved AFPAware and BBVA Compass a bit closer to their end goal: to make the world a better place for everyone. “That may sound far-reaching, but it really is true,” stated Crocker. “Our volunteers made Orlando better for 10,000 families and 2,000 individuals this day. And, that’s quite an achievement.”