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BBVA Compass volunteers fan out across bank's footprint

BBVA Compass volunteers recently doubled down on efforts to give back to communities across the bank’s footprint.

BBVA Compass’ second Day of Service in 2016 was held the week of Oct. 24. The event encouraged volunteers in 27 markets to choose a day during the week to hold special volunteer events for small businesses and entrepreneurs teaching financial education, business courses and other pro bono services. The bank’s first Day of Service was in June, with nearly 200 volunteers participating, and was geared toward personal finance and homebuyer workshops.

“Day of Service is designed to amplify our strong volunteer efforts across the bank’s markets,” said Director of Corporate Responsibility and Reputation Reymundo Ocanas. “Our employees frequently offer their time to give back to their communities, so this initiative is a microcosm of what we do year-round to bring the age of opportunity to everyone. By ramping up our efforts, we’re giving our employees a chance to hit their volunteer goals and give back in a big way.”

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"We’re giving our employees a chance to hit their volunteer goals and give back in a big way."

October’s Day of Service campaign yielded an estimated 2,100 total volunteer hours, 74 events and approximately 500 volunteers across 27 participating markets.  Markets included Birmingham, Denver, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston and Phoenix, as well as smaller markets across the banks footprint.

In the Rio Grande Valley, for instance, the bank teamed with Mission EDC to provide a financial literacy course for small business owners, entrepreneurs and others at the Center of Education and Economic Development, while similar events were held in Riverside, Calif., Gainesville, Fla., and Tucson, Ariz.


Click here for the bank's video on its first Day of Service in June.