BBVA Compass volunteers fan out in 27 cities to share expertise
BBVA Compass volunteers fanned out in 27 cities over 24 hours this summer to spread their expertise and a message of financial empowerment.

The bank held its Summer Day of Service in June as part of its commitment to creating brighter futures in the communities where it has a presence. The 180 employee volunteers held 50 affordable housing and personal finance workshops across the bank’s footprint, giving BBVA Compass an opportunity to use its expertise to fulfill a community need.
"They bring their questions and their dreams to these workshops and we bring the answers and a way forward.
“We’re helping people in our communities understand what they need to do to build their wealth and build their futures,” said BBVA Compass Director of Corporate Responsibility and Reputation Reymundo Ocañas. “They bring their questions and their dreams to these workshops and we bring the answers and a way forward. It’s wonderful to be a part of.”
The bank will host another day of service in the fall focused on small businesses and their particular financial-education needs. Individual employee volunteer chapters will also promote passion projects, like volunteering at a food bank, assisting on a Habitat for Humanity build and more.
BBVA Compass employees get 16 hours of paid time off for volunteering throughout the year.