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Banking Updated: 24 Jun 2016

BBVA Compass exceeds minimum requirements in Fed's annual Dodd-Frank Act Stress Test

The Federal Reserve Board released the results Thursday of the latest round of the Dodd-Frank Act Stress Test, which reported that BBVA Compass projections again exceeded the minimum applicable regulatory requirements for all nine quarters in the severely adverse hypothetical scenario as defined by the Fed.

The stress test, to which 33 of the country's largest financial institutions were subjected, is designed to evaluate whether the firms have sufficient capital to absorb losses in a hypothetical, severely adverse scenario. The scenario depicts economic conditions that are more adverse than expected conditions.

The results released on Thursday were from the first of two Fed stress tests. The results of the Comprehensive Capital Analysis Review, or CCAR, will be released next week.

BBVA Compass posts the results, and the full disclosure for both stress tests, here.

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