BBVA celebrates EduFin Summit 2018 with its eyes on SDG challenges
The EduFin Summit comes round again and this time full of novelties. This year the event, organized annually by BBVA’s Center for Financial Education and Capability, will take place in Buenos Aires. Leading experts in the field of financial education will debate the challenges of the sector and the importance of financial behavior for the well-being of people.

What is the link between financial education and sustainable development? How does it impact the challenges posed by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? These are among the main issues to be addressed by those attending the EduFin Summit 2018 which will be held October 2-3 at the BBVA Tower in the Argentinian capital. Its main theme will be the inclusive agenda of the SDGs which cover the basic reasons behind poverty and seek unity to achieve a positive impact for people and the planet.
Global challenges
The global event will be opened by representatives of the government and BBVA Francés. The first session will put in context the situation regarding financial education in the world and the challenges it poses for sustainable development.
Education and financial inclusion were the main topics of EduFin Summit 2017, the first global meeting organized by BBVA’s Center for Financial Education and Capability. Over the course of two days, world experts met in Mexico City to debate how to help people improve their lives and access new opportunities through financial knowledge.
The first day of this year’s summit will deal in depth with the challenges of financial education without losing sight of the goals set by the UN through a series of presentations and roundtables which will address the following subjects:
- SDG 1:take on the challenge of ending poverty through financial inclusion.
- SDG 3:how to guarantee universal health and well-being by emphasizing financial health and the opportunities afforded by longevity.
- SDG 4:the challenge of securing quality education, also financial education, analyzing its impact on the youngest, giving them their voice and listening to their experiences.
- SDG 5:how to go about improving equality from the point of view of the gender gap in accessing, understanding and using financial services.
- SDG 13:The fight against climate change through financial education.
The second day of the Summit will focus on digital transformation as marked by SDG 9 and will draw on the experience of countries such as China, Russia, Singapore and Brazil that have put in motion a range of national strategies.
Finally, there will be a recap of the five winners of the Center for Financial Education and Capability Call for Expressions of Interest investigation proposals in the Pechakucha format (20 slides of 20 seconds during each). This will be the closing touches of two days of work of shared challenges and proposals to reach the SDGs.
Edufin Summit 2018 gets under way with the task of matching the level achieved in the first edition held in June 2017 in the City of Mexico. On that occasion transcendental issues such as how digital transformation is bringing new opportunities to a greater number of people, the need to forge alliances and synergies among the different players involved in financial education, national strategies, measuring their impact and behavioral economics among others were studied. That summit was closed by an address by José Manuel González-Páramo, BBVA Executive Board Member and Head of the Advisory Board of the Center for Financial Education and Capability, who said: “We are at a key moment for financial education”.
Edufin Summit 2018 will mark another step toward putting financial education on the map and giving it the importance it merits at the hands of the best experts in the world.