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Francisco González Rodríguez Updated: 29 Jun 2018

BBVA Bancomer, leader in Mexico and the pride of the Group

Mexico is celebrating its national holiday this Thursday. An important day, and we want to humbly join in the celebrations by offering a special selection of content focusing on Mexico and BBVA Bancomer on our website,


Over the next few days we will learn about the bank’s successful history in Mexico, a journey that began in 1932 in the heart of Mexico City. We’ll delve into the key economic issues and outlooks for its powerful economy and find out about its competitive and effective financial system. We’ll also learn about the institution’s charitable initiatives in corporate responsibility and its well-known financial inclusion programs. And we’ll discover the strengths of Mexican banks and BBVA Bancomer, as well as the challenges they will face in the future.

Mexico has the potential to become one of the largest and most dynamic economies in the world

Mexico comprises 41.2% of the Group’s attributable income. It registered a €968 million profit from January to June, which represents growth of 10.6%. BBVA Bancomer has a work force of more than 37,000 employees (the highest in the entire Country Networks). Figures that go hand in hand with the Mexican giant’s impressive numbers.

Mexico is a huge country, with a population of 122 million, which offer a domestic market in constant growth for the next 20 years, according to the Mexican Association of Banks. A nation with a solid banking sector where 47 banks currently operate (in the last year alone four new banks were incorporated with national and foreign capital).

BBVA Bancomer is the leader in the financial system with a nearly 24% market share in lending

This is part of the context where BBVA Bancomer operates, backed by economic growth, meeting the needs for savings and credit instruments, accompanying businesses and showing its commitment to all actors in society every single day.

A commitment that our Global Executive Chairman Francisco González recently renewed when he attended the opening of the Bancomer Tower: “Mexico has the potential to become one of the largest and most dynamic economies in the world. It is a leader in growth thanks to its human capital and strong institutions. We affirm our long term commitment because we believe in this great country, in the Mexican people and in their future. We have always believed in Mexico and Mexico has always lived up to our expectations.”

With an unwavering commitment to innovation and transformation, BBVA Bancomer sets a clear example for the Group in the pursuit of excellence to improve our customers’ experiences, regardless of the channel they use.

Commitment to innovation and transformation

After 84 years of presence in Mexico, today, BBVA Bancomer, with 18.3 million customers, is the leader in the financial system, with a nearly 24% market share in lending. And we remain just as committed as ever. Committed to the economic, productive and social development of Mexico, catering to the needs of people, families and companies to bring the age of opportunity to everyone.

By the end of 2016 we will have completed the renovation of 2,000 branches, with a network of 11,000 ATMs, 191,438 POS terminals in shops to process card payments and a network of banking correspondents, made up by commercial networks with more than 30,000 points.

After the corporate milestone that the opening of the BBVA Bancomer Tower – the highest corporate building in Mexico City - represented for the Group, we have grown, adding two other new buildings: the Parques Polanco Building and the Data Processing Center, a space that will allow us to provide the level of backing that our digital banking projects need. They will undoubtedly mark the future of banking services, the road to at least eight more decades during which we intend to continue leading Mexico’s future.