BBVA acquires more than half a million new customers in Spain through digital channels in 2022
BBVA acquired more than one million customers in 2022 in Spain, of which just over half -521,802- were through digital channels (web or mobile). This figure represented an increase in BBVA's digital customer acquisition of 13.21 percent compared to 2021, with mobile, with 71.5 percent of total digital acquisition, being the most used channel. For 2023, the bank will continue to promote its digital recruitment strategy through different campaigns focused on rewarding customer loyalty, such as the 'Invite a Friend Plan', among others. For this year, the entity has set itself the goal of revalidating the figures of 2022 and acquiring another half a million digital customers in Spain.

Since 2016, when BBVA announced the possibility of opening an online account with a selfie, and by the end of 2022, the bank has registered more than 1.5 million new digital customers.
The ease of being able to sign up with a selfie, together with the convenience and speed of the whole process, along with the various recruitment offers that BBVA has launched in recent years, have consolidated the use of digital channels, especially among young people aged between 18 and 29 years.
Of the total number of new digital customers joining BBVA in 2022, young people already account for more than 40 percent, a slightly higher percentage than in 2021.
More than half a million digital customers by 2023 and a consolidated strategy
BBVA maintains customer acquisition as one of its six strategic priorities for the coming years. In fact, by 2023, the team will continue to bring financial services to a greater number of digital customers and has set its sights on surpassing the figure of half a million new customers recruited through digital channels alone.
"For 2023, we will continue to enhance our customer acquisition strategy through digital channels thanks to the launch of new capabilities, such as digital sign-up for any age, new versions of our 'Invite a Friend Plan' or services related to the aqua card and its use abroad. Moreover, we want to incorporate significant improvements in the online registration process in conjunction with public administration and we will aim to offer new products and services to the whole family unit, so that parents and children can enjoy the BBVA experience," explains Leyre Baltza, Director of Open Market at BBVA Spain.
'Invite a Friend Plan', a reward for loyalty and referrals
Since the financial institution launched its first loyalty and recommendation program at the beginning of 2021, in which sponsors and sponsored customers receive significant bonuses, the number of new customers has increased.
The program has achieved more than 600,000 participants (between sponsors and sponsored customers) and close to 143,000 winners. As of today, 17.3 percent of digital subscriptions are already thanks to a recommendation.
"And finally,” adds Leyre Baltza, "we will recover some of the loyalty promotions we launched last year where we reimbursed the subscription fee of different entertainment platforms; and, as a new feature for this year, we intend to extend them".