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Chris Semple

01 Jun 2020

01 Apr 2020

19 Mar 2020

Propel Venture Partners, the independent venture capital fund backed by BBVA, is celebrating its fourth anniversary of business this year. In this interview, Propel Partner Jay Reinemann, explains in the entity's journey in these years and what are its next challenges. “The fintech sector is only going to expand and innovate faster and faster,” says Reinemann. “It’s a great time to be working in this industry.”

11 Mar 2020

06 Mar 2020

27 Feb 2020

21 Feb 2020

03 Jan 2020

02 Jan 2020

The role technology plays in people’s lives –both personal and business– is continually growing. As a bank, BBVA committed to transforming itself digitally long before the start of the last decade, understanding that technology was going to have a huge impact on how the industry operates. In this article, BBVA experts in various fields give their view on the changes that 2020 will see in the technological landscape.

20 Dec 2019

The past 12-months have seen significant evolutions in the way BBVA uses technology to provide banking products and services. This is a selection of this year's BBVA digital transformation highlights.

16 Dec 2019

10 Dec 2019

03 Dec 2019

BBVA has achieved a critical milestone in its drive towards digital banking after passing the 50 percent mobile banking tipping point for customers. The news means more than half of BBVA’s active customers worldwide now engage with the bank via mobile devices, and through mobile channels like its world-leading mobile banking app.

11 Nov 2019

04 Nov 2019

30 Oct 2019

25 Oct 2019

22 Oct 2019

The world of banking is continuing to undergo a paradigm shift in terms of the way it operates and the products and services it delivers. BBVA’s Global Head of New Digital Businesses (NDB), Ian Ormerod, outlines the strategies NDB enacts to build the future of banking, and how uncertainty is a key driver for its growth.

17 Oct 2019

BBVA has again been named as one of the world's leading financial institutions when it comes to open banking. The accolade comes as part of the Open Banking Report 2019, published by online banking experts The Paypers and Innopay. The authors of the report also interviewed BBVA’s Global Head of Open Banking, Carlos López Moctezuma, drawing on his insights to explain best practice in the sector around the core themes.

10 Oct 2019

08 Oct 2019

09 Sep 2019

Ricardo Martin Manjón was named as BBVA Global Head of Data in April this year, having previously been the bank’s Global Head of Data Strategy and Data Science Innovation. His role sees him lead the bank’s development, deployment and future thinking around how BBVA drives forward its use of data throughout the Group, so it can achieve its strategic objective of bringing the age of opportunity to everyone.

In this interview Martin Manjón outlines why BBVA has a strategic focus on data, how that manifests itself across the entire group, what it will mean for customers in the future and the critical importance scale plays in data management.

19 Aug 2019

12 Aug 2019

06 Aug 2019

30 Jul 2019

22 Jul 2019

11 Jul 2019

10 Jul 2019

05 Jul 2019

01 Jul 2019

28 Jun 2019

Earlier this month, BBVA hosted the third edition of Open Summit - this time in Mexico, bringing together business leaders and innovators from across LATAM.

27 Jun 2019

12 Jun 2019

07 Jun 2019

06 Jun 2019

04 Jun 2019

Money 2020 Europe is the biggest conference on the continent focused on the future of banking, money and financial services. Over the course of three days in Amsterdam, around 10,000 business leaders, entrepreneurs, start-ups, press and potential customers will be sharing and debating the trends likely to shape the future of the sector.

28 May 2019

24 May 2019

07 May 2019

16 Apr 2019

Each year Propel Venture Partners holds an annual summit for the businesses it invests into through it’s single limited partner, BBVA. The event in Silicon Valley is a chance for updates, shared learnings, introductions and to discuss the kind of technology and drivers that will shape the sector in the coming years.

12 Apr 2019

25 Mar 2019

14 Mar 2019

12 Mar 2019

21 Feb 2019

19 Feb 2019

18 Feb 2019