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Noemi Fernández Castro

21 Apr 2020

At the end of 2019, when the first cases of COVID-19 began to be detected in China, a lockdown seemed like a remote scenario. Four months later, isolation and social distancing have emerged as the most effective measures to stop the virus from spreading, forcing more than 3.6 billion people around the world to isolate themselves in their homes.

18 Mar 2020

The health crisis caused by the advance of coronavirus in Spain has put businesses and employees to the test. Recommendations and restrictive measures put in place by the government have all but brought commuting to a standstill. BBVA has adopted these measures in record time thanks to the protocols established in its continuity plans and its commitment to flexible work schemes, which has allowed the bank to continue providing the best service while ensuring the health of both its employees and customers and clients.

04 Mar 2020

If there is one thing that characterizes women’s fight for equality, it’s that it’s a global, intergenerational cause. It knows no borders, beliefs, age or race. As conduits of wealth in societies, companies play a fundamental role in the pursuit of equality and in the implementation of policies and measures that guarantee the same rights for men and women.

23 Jan 2020

07 Oct 2019

A finales del siglo XIX y durante el primer tercio del siglo XX, Sudamérica se convirtió en una prominente región de destino de la migración, principalmente de Europa, China y Japón. La depresión económica que vivía Occidente, las guerras europeas, y las reminiscencia de las antiguas metrópolis hicieron de los países sudamericanos el destino elegido por millones de personas que buscaban un futuro más próspero.

11 Oct 2018

27 Jul 2018

21 Sep 2017

Dreamers are individuals who were brought to the United States before the age of 16 and who don’t have lawful immigration status.  They’re pursuing the American dream. They came to the United States as children and many of them discovered as adolescents that they had entered the country without documents. They’re the “dreamers” - immigrants and, most of them children of immigrants who are trying to escape from their legal limbo.

29 Jun 2017

They say that islanders tend to be reserved, and take their time to open up.  Miguel, Nito, Joan, Emilio and Ángel could all be said to fit the stereotype, except when they talk about music. They are Maico, the group tasked with singing BBVA's sound identity, ‘How we dream’.

07 Jun 2016

Since the 2013 education reforms were enacted and included in the Constitution, education has become one of the fundamental priorities for Mexico's government and society alike.  Reforming the country's enormous and complex education system will be beneficial for all Mexican institutions and social partners. BBVA Bancomer has been supporting efforts to drive this progress for many years, via its scholarship and education support programs.

29 Apr 2016

16 Mar 2016

15 Feb 2016