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Maui Cuadrado

12 Dec 2016

Managing processes and people can be one of the most challenging tasks for any organization. It requires not only making the most out of the available resources, but also optimizing time, coordinating the team, defining action protocols and assigning tasks. And when all this has to be carried out in the context of challenging projects developed in dynamic environments, the most common option is to resort to the so-called scrum methodology. So, what qualities do the people leading these work groups have to bring to the team?

29 Nov 2016

25 Oct 2016

The beta testing process consists in making a controlled validation of an app in its beta version with actual users. in the case of BBVA, these users are, mostly, the company’s own employees. If the people that work for a brand are always its best prescribers, who better than them to try out its products and provide feedback and comments before they are released?

29 Sep 2016

Fundamental transformations are underway in the banking and financial industries as a result of the unstoppable technological innovation they face. Demand for digital products and services is on the rise and consumers are adopting them, with greater and greater ease. This significant change in customer habits and in the use of business channels has numerous implications for banks, especially regarding the need to attract people with strong technical skills.