Vanessa Pombo Nartallo
Artificial Intelligence
Generative AI: customer service, SMEs and fraud detection stood out at the BBVA Bot Talent competition
The Bot Talent internal competition has demonstrated the creativity of BBVA employees to come up with innovative and secure uses of generative AI for their daily work. The bank will study the viability of three winning projects from Peru, Mexico and Spain, which propose using ChatGPT Enterprise to enhance customer service for sales agents, streamline the process of granting loans to SMEs, and detect official communications, supposedly from BBVA, that are actually hiding fraudulent messages to steal users’ financial data.
30 Dec 2024
With the creation of the new Analytics Transformation Unit, BBVA brings together its global team of over 2,500 data scientists and specialists, aiming to advance the development of data-driven services by leveraging the latest innovations in artificial intelligence.
20 Nov 2024
Artificial Intelligence
BBVA sparks a wave of innovation among its employees with the deployment of ChatGPT Enterprise
Just five months after BBVA distributed 3,000 ChatGPT Enterprise licenses among its employees, 83 percent have incorporated it into their work routine and have created nearly 3,000 GPTs—customized adaptations of the tool for specific tasks, ranging from financial data analysis to help to solve legal questions from clients in less than 24 hours or provide customer insights.
30 Jul 2024
Machine learning has no end of business applications. Consumers and citizens stand to benefit from this technology, which lets them manage their financial health, streamlines their digital processes, or makes their online experience smoother across multiple platforms, among other uses. A basic premise has emerged from this boom: there is nothing mysterious or magical about artificial intelligence (AI), and nor should it seem so. For more complex algorithms, data scientists develop tools to help us understand how they make their decisions.
16 Jul 2024
Artificial Intelligence
When artificial intelligence helps you find out whether your app is helping your customers
BBVA conducted a study in Spain and Mexico that shows that customers who use its main financial health tools save 11 percent and 20 percent more, respectively. But how did the bank ensure that they eliminated the influence of other variables when calculating this savings? To do so, the bank used two machine learning models and causal inference, a statistical methodology that detects complex cause-effect relationships.
28 Jun 2023
The bank offers its data scientists and engineers an extensive and continuous training ecosystem, both in-house and in partnershipwith top international universities and educational institutions,so that they may apply the latest advances in artificialintelligence, machine learning and advanced analytics in thedevelopment of cutting-edge financial products. In addition, italso offers training to other professional profiles so that they canuse data analytics to solve business challenges in their areas.In just 5 years, the BBVA Campus has trained more than50,000 employees, including 900 data scientists, through theData University.
16 Dec 2021
Artificial Intelligence
Why does BBVA’s carbon footprint calculator suggest that you lower the heating?
BBVA has managed to get its app to learn to read customers’ bills, distinguish their energy costs and calculate their equivalent in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in order to offer personalized advice to save energy. Behind the carbon footprint calculator, which has been operational in Spain and will reach Turkey shortly, is an artificial intelligence system that is still being developed. In 2022, it will add transportation measurements to give an even more accurate picture of each user’s environmental impact.
08 Oct 2021
Social networks are experiencing an outburst of influencers generating content on financial topics. More than previous generations, millennials (those born between the early 1980s and the late 1990s) and centennials (those born starting in the late 1990s) appreciate when this type of information comes from someone like themselves. But regulators that have started to monitor their activity recommend taking precautions before following their advice and warn of the risks of turning investing into “a videogame.”
24 Sep 2021
The world is moving towards sustainable economic models which by 2030 could create economic opportunities worth $12 trillion a year. Through technologies such as advanced data analytics, blockchain or artificial intelligence, fintech can help companies to evaluate and reduce their environmental impact, and investors to channel their operations towards more sustainable assets.
29 Jun 2021
eSports is one of the digital industries that has grown the most during the COVID-19 pandemic. In May 2021, more than nine million users watched around 2.3 billion hours of gameplay on the streaming platform Twitch alone, which in the first quarter of the year reached a historic 6.3 billion hours watched, doubling the viewing figures of the same quarter in 2020. It is estimated that by 2022 eSports will have global audiences of more than 600 million followers. Streamers are looking to offer these audiences unique new experiences that go beyond gaming and even leap from the virtual to the physical realm.
16 Jun 2021
In the last six years, BBVA’s original team of less than ten designers has bloomed into a community of more than 500. This year the bank earned a special mention at the Spanish National Design Awards. In the meantime, design became a strategic driver of its transformation process, allowing customers to play a leading role by determining the design of its products. BBVA is facing the future trying to scale up its products by globally with efficiency, integrating data into design and exploring new user experience features, such as voice-enabled navigation.
02 Jun 2021
Tesla and China’s restrictions to 'bitcoin' have brought to the foreground new ways to generate more energy-efficient cryptocurrencies.