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Maribel Muñoz

14 May 2024

Los canales digitales se han convertido en el principal medio de interacción de los bancos con sus clientes, tanto para consultar información como para realizar cualquier tipo de operaciones.  En este contexto, la biometría gana cada día terreno al imponerse como una vía segura para verificar que los clientes son quienes dicen ser. “En BBVA existen más de 40 casos de uso a nivel grupo en los que es necesario verificar la identidad de los clientes mediante biometría, una de las medidas más seguras ante la prevención del fraude”, afirma Natalia Ortega, responsable global de prevención del crimen financiero en BBVA.

24 Nov 2023

ONE is the new software development culture at BBVA. Thanks to this initiative, over 15,000 developers will work in a more coordinated, collaborative manner, sharing best practices at the bank and in the industry with the goal of creating solutions that best meet customers’ needs.

13 Sep 2023

Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services, Red Hat, Cisco, IBM, Genesys, Salesforce and Telefónica all form part of BBVA's strategy of technological alliances. Thanks to these partnerships, BBVA has built up ways of working together, set up expert teams and developed cutting-edge tailor-made solutions with the most innovative tech companies, which are key to its growth and digitalization plans.

05 Sep 2023

The main mission of BBVA's Security Operations team is to adopt all the necessary security measures in the face of an increasingly diverse cybercriminal reality. To this end, it has highly specialized teams in charge of assessing the security measures and processes implemented in the Group, as well as monitoring, detecting, and responding to any security risk or threat. Hundreds of hackers make up this team worldwide, organized into offensive, defensive, and transversal teams.

28 Jun 2023

With an end-to-end vision firmly focused on prevention and customer protection, BBVA launches a new unit to further strengthen the bank’s financial crime prevention structure. Technology, advanced analytical models and artificial intelligence will be decisive in ensuring the proactive protection of customers, the bank itself and society, and are what underpin this cutting-edge unit within the Spanish banking industry.

09 Feb 2023


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Fighting the unconscious gender biases that most of us have is a complicated task. We are social beings and are raised to assume a series of gender-determined roles pretty much from birth. But unlearning to learn and teach with a new approach is the key to achieving a more egalitarian society. This is especially true in areas where there is a large gender gap, such as technology. At BBVA we believe that it is time to inspire new generations of talent in this field. That is why we are celebrating the International Day of Girls and Women in Science and Technology.

21 Jun 2021

19 May 2021

BBVA has been involved in the creation of Pinakes, the Interbank Cooperation Center (ICC) platform that simplifies the provider evaluation process in areas relating to cybersecurity. The aim of this platform is to offer the 124 financial institutions associated with the ICC and the more than 400 providers that provide products and services to the financial sector a new efficient mechanism for ensuring their reliability and ensuring compliance with the demanding banking sector regulations when it comes to managing technological risks.