Dory Gascueña
15 Jul 2021
The British magazine Euromoney has named BBVA the best bank in corporate social responsibility in Western Europe in 2021. The financial publication recognized BBVA's commitment to improving social, economic and environmental conditions in the region and the bank's swift response to the Covid-19 crisis. The Group was also recognized as the best bank in Mexico.
10 Dec 2020
The Collective Commitment to Climate Action (CCCA), the most ambitious global banking sector initiative supporting the transition to a net zero economy by 2050 is celebrating its first anniversary. And to commemorate the occasion it has published its first follow-up report.
17 Apr 2020
Recycling Culture
Recycling and energy consumption during the pandemic: a sustainability experiment?
2020 is a fundamental year to consolidate the fight against climate change. Following COP 25 in Madrid at the end of 2019, and in the middle of the UN strategy to pave the way for the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, a global pandemic has simultaneously put the resilience of Earth’s society to the test.
16 Apr 2020
In the era of forced social distancing as a result of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic, this technology has become one of biggest allies in the fight against the coronavirus.
15 Apr 2020
After the simultaneous paralysis of society and numerous economies around the globe resulting from efforts to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, opinions on the relationship between the virus and climate change — how the pandemic is causing a global drop of pollution levels — have been manifold. In the longer term backdrop there is an additional school of thought that is associating global warming with the emergence of new viruses that could represent future threats akin to that of SARS-CoV-2. How is climate change affecting the virulence, emergence, and re-emergence of viral threats?
13 Apr 2020
Scientific information, and many essential niche concepts to tackle it, have lept into the spotlight. Understanding certain key scientific concepts behind the battle against COVID-19 and how SARS-CoV-2’s biological mechanisms actually work will allow us to navigate in the sea of information to better gauge the scope of the problem and the prospects concerning the development of potential treatments.
16 Mar 2020
‘No one left behind’ in the fourth industrial revolution: this is the commitment made by various international organizations including the United Nations and the International Labour Organization. The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development commits to the principles of universality and equality, two fundamental ideas that should be redefined in the context of the digital revolution. How can these principles be ensured in the midst of the profound change produced by technological progress?