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Technology Updated: 22 Aug 2017

The API Hour: The Internet of Things Day

The Internet of Things Day was held on October 8, 2015 at the BBVA Innovation Center. This is the seventh event of The API Hour series.

"The API Hour is an event launched in 2012 with the aim of conveying to the community everything was being learned. Why? Because things have changed and BBVA can no longer work alone, focused on its world. The great opportunity is to create a community or be part of the existing communities. This why The API Hour was created", said Carlos Kuchkovsky, who was in charge of opening this seventh edition.

He added, "there are two other good reasons. One, to learn from everything that is being done. two, to try to have a good ecosystem circle. Both of large, small and medium-sized companies… and for the developers. Today we held the seventh event with different monographs. It's great and it's a success to see more and more people attending”.

On the development of the event, he said: “We started by explaining what APIs were, and we are now offering short lessons for the community to provide information on the cases where significant needs have been identified. For example, we have moved from explaining business models to talking about marketing the APIs. We later stressed the importance of fintech, which is one of the new technology waves that emerged two years ago. And at this latest event we've talked in depth about the Internet of Things, which is one of the major revolutions taking place today.”

Kuchkovsky, who acted as the host, opened an event full of presentations that included some discussion panels, a few of which are highlighted below.

Ignasi Errando, from CISCO, explained how the world generates every day up to two exabytes of and how the key to the Internet of Things' maturity lies in the interconnection and interactivity of that data rather than in where it originates.

Francisco Jariego, manager of Industrial Internet of Things at Telefónica, described how the Internet of Things (IoT) boosts business structures by turning products into services. Something like 'Nespresso' or 'Starbucks', in his own words.

Several speakers focused on wearables as an essential part of an Internet of Things-type ecosystem. Fitbit, recalled Conchi Sánchez, started as a trend and is now so accurate that it already dares to monitor our circadian rhythms. Another speaker who went more deeply into the usefulness of wearables was Pedro Diezma, from Zerintia Tech, that works closely with the Aladina Foundation in its Superhero School project.

For the occasion, Beeva and the Innovation Center installed some sensors to monitor, precisely using IoT, the activity carried out at the Center.