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Analysis and Opinion

Analysis and Opinion

After the Senate’s passage of the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA), Puerto Rico’s debt saga will enter a new chapter: closure. The bill will be signed by President Obama after receiving bipartisan support in both the House and Senate. Collective action from House leaders Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi and the White House at the outset has allowed for a timely and smooth passage, avoiding complications from missed payments due on July 1.

Fed members just can’t seem to make up their mind these days. One minute they are shouting out encouraging signals about the U.S. economy, and the next it is all gloom and doom. In the end, we are left with a mixed signal as to what is really going on, with the impression that Fed members themselves don’t really have any idea on how to proceed in such an uncertain economic environment.

Peru has played - and still does - a key role in BBVA's projection and consolidation in South America. In 1995 the institution (still BBV back then) took its first step in its expansion in the region buying Banco Continental. Since then, year after year, Peru has emerged as a solid country with an increasing appeal for international investors.

The creation of a digital single market across Europe is an exciting prospect for both consumers and businesses. According to the European Commission, it could add €415 billion annually to our economy and bring jobs and better services to the EU. In my role as BBVA's Chief Development Officer and Head of New Digital Businesses, I passionately believe that the financial services element is fundamental to this vision - and that regulation has an essential role in making it happen.

Falling oil prices are pushing Colombia into a new reality. It is a reality that implies cuts in private and public spending and therefore also in short and medium term growth. This new reality can be seen through two different perspectives: the pessimistic view that relives the glory days of the past with oil prices around $100 per barrel and the optimistic view that shows us the opportunity to strengthen, find and build sources of growth for the near future. As I tend to be more of an optimist, I think that we stand before an opportunity.

Energy plays a crucial role in a country’s social and economic development. As a country gains wealth, its economy requires more energy. Energy is needed for the industrial sector, fuel for vehicles, temperature regulation of buildings and homes and the increasing demand for power for electronic equipment and appliances.

by José Manuel González-Páramo, BBVA Executive Director

Over the past few months there have been many very different statements published about the TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the U.S. and Europe. To what extent are they based on myths or facts? BBVA Executive Director José Manuel González-Páramo explains in an  op-ed published in Spanish

It wasn’t long ago that Jean-Claude Juncker said that politicians all knew what measures were needed to resolve Europe’s problems, but no one knew how to get re-elected after applying them. Now the situation is more complicated. Europe is facing new problems, and it is no longer what needs to be done to address them.