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Investment bank 20 Feb 2018

Alfonso Gómez, CEO BBVA in Switzerland: “We manage thousands of customers located thousands of miles away”

Alfonso Gómez joined the BBVA Group in 1994 and was appointed to head the Swiss branch in 2014. Born in Segovia, Spain, he has had an extensive career, holding positions on several continents. Since his arrival at Switzerland, he has been working to develop the best customer experience, based on a high-value offering and next-generation digital tools.

For the past four years, Alfonso Gómez has been leading the only bank of the Group devoted exclusively to private banking. “Our activity focuses on managing thousands of customers located thousands of miles away, in more than 10 countries”, he says. "The complexities that arise in this context are solved by a highly specialized, customer-focused wealth management team".

"One of the keys to BBVA's success in Switzerland has been developing a remarkably advanced advisory service", Alfonso Gómez remarks.

Switzerland is one of the few countries with an AAA investment grade and is currently the world’s most important wealth management center. Also, for the past eight years, the country has ranked first in the Competitiveness Index prepared by the World Economic Forum, based on 11 indicators. “This is one of the reasons why Zürich has strongly promoted the growth of different startups, has become an excellent tech hub and is starting to really stand out in the world of blockchain and artificial intelligence”, explains Alfonso Gómez.

After obtaining B.A. in Economics from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Alfonso started his career in BBVA as risk analyst, and then went on to serve in different management positions around the globe. In a context as complex as the current one, he says, one of the keys to the institution’s success has been developing a remarkably advanced advisory service, bringing the best investment opportunities to its clients. And, most importantly, “offering them access to the global universe of assets, leveraging the value of our truly open architecture model”.

Alfonso Gomez-switzerland-ceo-bbva