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Education Updated: 19 Dec 2017

Acción Magistral gives a voice to teachers so they can give their opinion on education in Spain

The result of these surveys is reflected in the report “Education in Spain. Horizon 2020”. This document reflects the concerns of the teaching sector and its view of the future of education. Its conclusions are not very optimistic, since there are a number of aspects that concern the sector. However, they do believe that education is increasingly dynamic thanks to the entrepreneur teachers Acción Magistral wants to support with the holding of a great event in their honor.

According to the Acción Magistral report, the teaching profession support project promoted by Fundación de Ayuda contra la Drogadicción, BBVA and the Spanish Committee for Cooperation with UNESCO, three out of every four teachers surveyed do not believe it is possible to reach a State Compact for Education in the next five years. Teachers believe that legislation will continue to change as governments change, which will prevent a stable model from being established. They also think that neither their economic or employment conditions nor the social recognition of their profession will improve, despite the fact that everything suggests that the level of demand will be greater. The reason they give is that no institutional effort will made to promote this recognition.

Another matter for concern is their conviction that the budget allocated to the sector will be insufficient. They give several reasons: the increase in the number of students per teacher due to the possible lack of education centers, the growing precariousness of the profession and the tightening conditions for accessing teaching. All these factors can affect students and their families, since the sector expects that there will be fewer scholarships, a tightening of access to education and a greater economic burden for families, which will have to bear the expenses of school material and extracurricular activities.

Greater dynamism

However, there is also some room for optimism. Teachers perceive signs of change thanks to the new dynamics that are revolutionizing the sector through the efforts of several teachers committed to their work and their students. Antoni Ballabriga, BBVA’s global Responsible Business manager, defined them as “teachers who really want to transform education and are working very proactively to achieve a highly relevant social impact”.

Teachers do perceive that education will be much more dynamic, with changes in the curricula over the next five years and greater student participation. Educational innovation formulas and methods will gradually make their way, such as collaborative learning, social learning or emotional learning, along with other evaluation methods: continuous evaluation or evaluation per project, grading in reduced groups, etc. In this new scenario, students will become more influential players and teachers will take on a role of facilitator, which will contribute to making education more participative and ensuring greater involvement of the entire community.

Acción Magistral was created in 2012 with the aim of promoting and supporting these teachers, who are the real driving force in the classroom. For this reason, they should be given more visibility, training them in basic skills so they are the agents of change in education and expanding their number so this community continues to grow. They should all attend, from September 30 to October 1, 2016 the upcoming Acción Magistral 2016 Meeting that will be held at the BBVA Campus in La Moraleja (Madrid). This free forum will bring together all those people involved or interested in pedagogic innovation experiences aimed at education in values and will be attended by experts from the sector who will offer their knowledge.