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Corporate information 16 Mar 2018

"2017 has been a very good year for BBVA, and 2018 will be even better"

Moments before the start of BBVA’s Annual General Meeting, to be held in Bilbao today, Francisco González made some remarks in which he reviewed last year’s results and the advances in the digital transformation project. “2017 has been a very good year for BBVA, and 2018 will be even better. And I know it will, because I have never seen our company so strong, so committed, and so united as under this transformation project.” he said.

BBVA’s Chairman also commented on the impressive numbers. “This year more than 50 percent of our clients worldwide will be digital. In Spain, 42 percent of sales in January were digital,” he added. “We are the most recommended bank by our customers in most of the countries where we operate. And Forrester, one of the most important international consultants singled out BBVA’s mobile banking application as the most important in the world.”

Regarding how to optimize the benefits of this technological revolution, Francisco González commented that a new legal framework, new regulation is required. “To ensure that the great wealth that is being generated by this new reality reaches everyone, a new legal framework is needed to expressly guarantee that everyone benefits whilst avoiding undesired collateral effects.” he concluded.